France Historical Inflation Rates


The graph above displays annual inflation rates in France for calendar years from 1956 to 2024. To calculate cumulative rates between two different periods, you can use the France Inflation Calculator.

Historical Annual Inflation Rates from 1956

The table below contains annual inflation rates in France from 1956. The 'Inflation %' column indicates how much prices have changed since the previous year.

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Monthly Inflation Rates (YoY) | 1956-2025

The following table contains YoY (year-over-year) inflation rates calculated from monthly CPI data publications. The value of each month indicates the rolling average inflation rate for the last 12 months.

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Monthly Inflation Rates (MoM) | 1955-2025

This table contains MoM (Month-over-Month) inflation rates calculated from official CPI data publications.

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