Inflation Rate by Country

This page contains Inflation Rate values reported in several countries. The following table has current rates and values for previous years. All values are the annual percent change in CPI (Consumer Price Index) compared with the previous year, expressed in '%'. The current rate displayed is the 12-month rolling inflation most recently published.

Country Current Inflation Rate 2024 2023 2022
Argentina 66.87 2025-02 117.76 211.41 94.79
Australia 2.42 2024-Q4 2.42 4.05 7.83
Austria 3.25 2025-02 2.04 5.60 10.15
Belgium 3.55 2025-02 3.16 1.35 10.35
Brazil 5.06 2025-02 4.83 4.62 5.79
Canada 2.64 2025-02 1.83 3.40 6.32
Chile 4.73 2025-02 4.56 3.94 12.79
China -0.70 2025-02 0.10 -0.30 1.80
Colombia 5.28 2025-02 5.20 9.28 13.12
Costa Rica 1.25 2025-02 0.84 -1.77 7.88
Czech Republic 2.73 2025-02 2.98 6.88 15.76
Denmark 2.03 2025-02 1.89 0.69 8.72
Estonia 5.31 2025-02 3.91 4.03 17.62
Eurozone 2.30 2025-02 2.40 2.90 9.20
Finland 0.46 2025-02 0.70 3.60 9.15
France 0.80 2025-02 1.32 3.71 5.85
Germany 2.29 2025-02 2.64 3.71 8.12
Greece 2.54 2025-02 2.57 3.50 7.22
Hungary 5.60 2025-02 4.60 5.50 24.50
Iceland 4.21 2025-02 4.75 7.75 9.55
India 3.10 2025-01 3.53 4.91 5.50
Indonesia -0.09 2025-02 1.57 2.61 5.51
Ireland 1.81 2025-02 1.40 4.60 8.14
Israel 3.47 2025-02 3.17 2.95 5.32
Italy 1.58 2025-02 1.25 0.59 11.63
Japan 3.70 2025-02 3.60 2.60 4.00
Latvia 3.71 2025-02 3.26 0.63 20.83
Lithuania 3.47 2025-02 2.08 1.21 21.74
Luxembourg 1.70 2025-02 1.04 3.51 5.37
Mexico 5.57 2024-07 4.66 7.82
Netherlands 3.79 2025-02 4.10 1.21 9.59
New Zealand 2.22 2024-Q4 2.22 4.66 7.22
Norway 3.55 2025-02 2.20 4.77 5.89
Poland 4.90 2025-02 4.70 6.20 16.60
Portugal 2.39 2025-02 3.01 1.42 9.59
Russia 8.88 2024-11 7.42 11.92
Saudi Arabia 1.96 2025-02 1.93 1.49 3.30
Slovakia 3.80 2025-02 2.84 5.92 15.38
Slovenia 1.56 2025-02 1.86 4.17 10.26
South Africa 3.08 2025-01 2.88 5.19 7.57
South Korea 2.02 2025-02 1.93 3.18 5.02
Spain 2.97 2025-02 2.85 3.10 5.71
Sweden 1.29 2025-02 0.82 4.39 12.34
Switzerland 0.32 2025-02 0.63 1.71 2.84
Turkey 39.05 2025-02 44.38 64.77 64.27
United Kingdom 3.90 2025-01 3.50 4.20 9.20
United States 2.82 2025-02 2.89 3.35 6.45


The inflation rates displayed on this website are updated at least once a month, based on public databases. While every effort is made to ensure data quality, the rates and values published on this website are to be used for general informational purposes only. The data should not be considered as “official” and users should exercise their own care when interpreting and using it. All the information is provided in good faith, but there’s no warranty regarding the accuracy, validity or completeness of data and the results displayed.